A contact from a recruiter on Friday really infuriated me. It was obvious he was doing a generic search on LinkedIn and blasting out an email hoping for a response. I responded and said I would never work with someone who resorted to SPAM. He gave me a pretty lengthly reply about how he was the good guy and a family business and I should be lucky to receive his email. It was then I realized LinkedIn doesn’t do anything for me but fill my inbox with desperate recruiters who don’t give two shits about me and who can’t take the time to actually read my profile before contacting me. LinkedIn has zero motivation to fix this as paying users that send out these messages support the site.
Something in me snapped. I deleted LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter. I can’t think of a single meaningful interaction I ever had on any of them. We’ll see if anyone notices and contacts me. My email address hasn’t changed since the early 90’s and is pretty unique so folks who want to can reach out.
I also switched my personal domain from Google to Outlook.com. I have decided to give Microsoft a try and see how they do. They aren’t perfect but at least what they do is up front and in your face. I have no idea what Google does with my information and frankly I don’t care to give it to them anymore.
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