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Now I have a blog too!

Well this is the first entry of my new blog. I thought “Hey everyone else has one – why not me?”. Well not exactly. Actually another blog entry persuaded me to blog. Steve Yegge used to work at, where I work now. While I recognized the name I didn’t really know him. I didn’t even know he wrote a blog until I saw it linked off of the other day. I was hooked. After spending most of Sunday night reading through his blog I came across his entry titled You Should Write Blogs and it convinced me to start one of my own.

So I did some googling and decided on WordPress. I had previously setup MediaWiki so I already had a mySQL installation. I had it up and running in about 20 minutes and was impressed – not only did it look good but is a cinch to administrate.I then had to convert my old site to WordPress. I still have a lot to learn but I got it up and running in about two hours, which included modifying the default template. My old site had a javascript calculator I wrote which doesn’t work correctly as a WordPress “page” so I will probably work on that next.

Speaking of modifying the default template, how do you like my header? I got it from a program called RapidWeaver which I bought and used for about a month before deciding that it wasn’t powerful enough. Thankfully since I own a license I don’t feel bad about ripping out one image and some CSS from one of their templates.

One other thing…I am eagerly waiting for midnight when David Gilmour’s new solo album, On an Island, is released on iTunes.

Well I guess this is enough for now…stay tuned!

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