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SpaceRodent Posts


The last couple of years my sleep has gotten worse and worse and this year it came to crisis. I was falling asleep at work. I feel asleep driving and no longer drive. I couldn’t pay attention. I was constantly dozing off through out the day. I felt like a zombie moving through life.

I finally got sleep tested and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I was prescribed a CPAP (constant positive air pressure) machine and last night was the first time using it.

I slept through the night. I did not get up. My wife said I was quiet. My blankets were not on the floor.

I woke up rested for the first time in years.

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Going to start streaming soon

I decided to give streaming a try. I want to do it anonymously, so I created another account. I am going to use an avatar with 3d rigging instead of face. It will be rigged so its mouth moves when mine does – pretty neat. I plan on starting new on Genshin Impact and streaming that at first.

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Converted my site back to wordpress

I want to blog more and to that end I wanted it as easy as possible. My previous version was a Pelican static site. I had to write a markdown file on the command line, commit it to my repo, deploy it to my server. Yes it was pretty simple but not as easy as clicking on new post on my homepage. I found a nice theme and manually entered all my previous entries. It took me about three hours.

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Fifty Winters

Today I woke up and realized I turn 50 today. I have survived 50 winters! 10,000 years ago I might have been the oldest person in the world. Today it feels like what turning 30 was for my parents.

I remember in my childhood in the 70s/80s that turning 50 was a major milestone. You were now “over the hill”. You were close to retirement. Life was half over.

Today it feels like 50 isn’t special. It feels like middle age (remember middle age used to be late 30s/40s). I would like to say I am not affected but I am looking back and wonder what the hell I have been doing up-to-this-point.

A friend and I talked about immortality recently and we both agreed we didn’t want it. For myself I can barely figure out what to do on a Saturday night let alone hundreds of years.

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Tideworks Update

Well, it’s been two years since I started at Tideworks. I was hired to help usher Tideworks to the cloud. They produce software that runs terminals (as in container ships docking and unloading containers). They have several different applications that run in their own (or customers) data center. They want to leverage the elasticity of cloud computing.

When I first started one of my initial projects was Kubernetes and two years later, we have realized that without our applications being properly refactored that Kubernetes was premature. We still see it in the future but right now it is overkill. We don’t need it yet.

We are moving towards fully deployable customer environments with a single click (and all that entails). A lot of Terraform, Ansible, and AWS.

Two years on we haven’t migrated existing legacy environments to AWS but have spawned new environments there. Eventually everything in our on-premises data center will be in AWS (or Azure or a combination of both).

It’s no secret the vision behind this bold effort recently left Tideworks (as well as other high-ranking folks) and now there is a subtle re-evaluation if moving the existing legacy environments to cloud makes financial sense and instead just focus on new environments.

If your application fully embraces AWS services and is elastic, you can save a lot of money and scale without issues.

If your application is a legacy one that sits on EC2 instances…well AWS isn’t cheaper, and it might be more expensive.

I love working for Tideworks. I get to work on a lot of different things. The work is never boring. I am glad I accepted my job offer there.

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The best defnition of devops I have found

DevOps is two things:

1. Applying the methods of modern software development (version control, automation, DSLs…) to operations (provisioning, config, deployment, monitoring, backups…).

2. Reducing silo barriers between devs and ops groups so that everyone is working together as a team, rather than blaming each other for poor communication and the resulting messes.

Then there are all the DevOps hijacking attempts, such as equating it to Agile or Scrum or XP, or insisting that it’s a way to stop paying for expensive operations experts by making devs do it, or a way to stop paying for expensive devs by making ops do it, or a way to stop paying for expensive hardware by paying Amazon/Google/$CLOUD to do it.

No matter what your software-as-a-service company actually does, it will need to execute certain things:

– have computers to run software

– have computers to develop software

– have computers to run infrastructure support

You can outsource various aspects of these things to different degrees. Anywhere you need computers, you have a choice of buying computers (and figuring out where to put them and how to run them and maintain them), or leasing computers (just a financing distinction), or renting existing computers (dedicated machines at a datacenter) or renting time on someone else’s infrastructure. If you rent time, you can do so via virtual machines (which pretend to be whole servers) or containers (which pretend to be application deployments) or “serverless”, which is actually a small auto-scaled container.

Docker is a management scheme for containers. VMWare provides management schemes for virtual machines. Kubernetes is an extensive management scheme for virtual machines or containers.

A continuous integration tool is, essentially, a program that notes that you have committed changes to your version control system and tries to build the resulting program. A continuous deployment system takes the CI’s program and tries to put it into production (or, if you’re sensible, into a QA deployment first).


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